We are deeply convinced that today it is more necessary than ever to redesign the growth and management models of the tourism sector, in a more profound and incisive way than in the past, embarking without hesitation on a new path oriented on two parallel directions: sustainable development and circular economy.

The effects of the Covid-19 pandemic have in fact made even more evident the need for an authentic "paradigm shift" in the production models of an industry, such as tourism, which is such a driving force for the Italian, European and global economy.

We have therefore decided to make a tangible contribution to the evolution of the sector in which we have been successfully operating for over 90 years, through the conception, planning and marketing of itineraries and tourist packages capable of:

  • promote strong attention and sensitivity towards the landscape, natural, historical and cultural contexts in which we bring our travelers;
  • experimenting with new and more balanced forms of tourist fruition, based on under-tourism (i.e. a tourism that favours less crowded places, open-air activities and "slow" forms of travel), rather than on over-tourism (which has characterised the sector in recent decades, ending up causing a series of social and environmental damages to the territories that have suffered it);
  • favour destinations that are not only welcoming, but also safe from a health point of view for all people who intend to go there on holiday and who wish to visit them peacefully;
  • encourage the development of reception systems that take into account the importance of traveling responsibly, avoiding situations of excessive crowding, and promoting, at the same time, the care of personal hygiene and respect for the places where residents live (also to allow them to use it);
  • support an ever greater integration of the usability-accessibility binomial, based on an enhancement of the physical and digital connection tools at the service of tourists, which favour, on the one hand, the usability of tourist attractions and services, and, on the other, the accessibility and internal mobility of tourist locations;
  • develop innovative digital marketing strategies, which - in the face of a limitation of direct contacts - will have an even more decisive relevance than in the past in the phase of inspiration, booking and information research, especially if they can translate into original, reassuring communication and emotion of the territories to visit.

We are guided in this fascinating adventure by the awareness that for today's and tomorrow's tourists the mere enjoyment of one or more services is no longer sufficient, but useful to generate memories connected to the global experience during the course of a trip or vacation.

Focusing on thematisation and personalisation of the proposed experiences, our itineraries and packages therefore include activities with a strong experiential value, aimed at giving the tourist the opportunity to be an active protagonist of their journey.

The goal is to ensure that the experience does not end at the very moment in which it is lived, but can continue to exert its effects over time through an emotional and sensory involvement which, in addition to stimulating and involving the tourist, both able to arouse personal enrichment and development in them, favouring both the exchange with different realities and cultures, and the sharing of emotions, sensations and activities related to the lived experience.

For us, a necessary condition for true experiential tourism is the active involvement of local communities, the only custodians of the genius loci; that is, the essence and nature of a place, what makes it different and unique compared to other destinations.

This is why our thematic itineraries - most of which are dedicated to the "jewels" recognised by UNESCO as a World Heritage Site - are all centred on carrying out activities with a strong emotional and sensory value, in which the tourist, placed at the centre of the experience, can discover the traditions, uses and customs of the places they go to, also through direct participation in activities such as cooking classes, wine tasting, trekking, cycle tourism and fishing tourism.

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