Province of Benevento hotel

starting from 80 €

  • Hotel 4 Stars
  • Bed & breakfast
  • Free Wifi
  • Air conditioning
  • Rooms/facilities for disabled guests
  • restaurant
  • parking


4-star hotel accommodation outside Benevento (Province of Benevento)

Possibility to choose the preferred solution among single room, double room or triple room accommodation.

Price includes overnight stay and breakfast.


PLEASE NOTE: To well manage the request, during the booking phase please select in the calendar widget the expected check-in date and accurately choose the number of nights you intend to stay in hotel.
Prices shown in the booking phase represent the maximum price among the two available hotels (see terms of sale). No cost will be charged in the first booking phase. Then, the request will be examined and the hotel accomodation assigned. Based on the requests, the available hotel will be assigned. Once accepted the hotel accommodation, payment will be done through a secure platform.

PLEASE NOTE: During the first registration stage you can also book the bus rental with arrival to Benevento. In “choose an amount” please select the actual number of people you are booking for. The indicated price is NOT per person and is purely indicative. Based on the requests received, the motor vehicle to be used will be established and the actual price per person defined. No cost will be charged in the first booking stage.

Every necessity (room for disabled, half board and full board surcharges or any other specific request) should be communicated through our comments section box during the booking phase.


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